Help with Filtering Null Values in a Field

Hi Yeeflow Team,

I need some help with setting up a filter. I want to retrieve only the records where a specific field has null (empty) values, but I’m not sure how to configure it. I have tried several possible keywords (to be honest, just trying to invent one, like __isnull, __isempty and similars).

I have a field in a data list with numbers, but I want to retrieve the rows that have this field without numbers, using filters vinculated to a Data Table in a Dashboard. I have tried to assign the filter using actions, without success for the null case.

Could you guide me on how to set this up?

Thanks a lot for your help!



Hi Mauricio,

There’s Empty/Not Empty options for fixed filter conditions. We don’t have a dynamic keywords represents null currently. We will add it in the near further.