About This Query Condition Expression - __filter_rel_["w_t_1"]

Hi Yeeflow Community,

I am really new to Yeeflow and I recently noticed a query condition expression used in one of the templates called Projects Center, which is __filter_rel_["w_t_1"]. This expression filters the dates for the current week.

I am wondering if there are any other similar expressions for filtering the current month or current year.

Additionally, if such expressions exist, could you please let me know where I can learn about writing similar expressions? I would like to understand the definitions of these expressions.

Thank you!

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Hi @sen, the expression filters come from the built-in filter controls (like search filter, radio filter, etc.). The one (_filter_rel[“w_t_1”]) used in project center template related to another date filter control called: Relative period, which can be used to filter based on a range of date period.

We currently do not have a guide to introduce those expression, as for most of the case, users can drag to add the filter controls or forms/pages.

So my suggestion is to consider use the data filter controls first. If you still think it’s necessary to getting the expression, the easy way to to add a related data filter control, then add a “Text” control to get the value of the variable associated with your filter control.

For example, if you want to get the expression filter for current month, you can firstly drag to add a relative period control on your form, and choose “This month” as one of your choice options. And drag a “Text” control to set the text as the variable of your relative period control. Then preview your form, and select “This month”, the related expression will show on your Text control. You can copy this expression to use where you need to.

Thank you for your suggestion, Renger. It was really helpful!