Request for WEEKNUM Function in Yeeflow

Dear Yeeflow Development Team,

I’m writing to suggest the addition of a WEEKNUM function, similar to what is available in Excel. This function would be highly useful for many common tasks, such as project management, scheduling, and reporting, where calculating the week number from a date is essential.

I have created some workarounds to address the lack of the WEEKNUM function, but they haven’t been entirely satisfactory. These formulas are dependent on the specific year, and when the year changes, they often fail and require manual correction. This has been inconvenient and prone to errors, so having a dedicated WEEKNUM function in Yeeflow would be greatly appreciated.

Currently, there’s no straightforward way to calculate this in Yeeflow, and implementing WEEKNUM would streamline workflows and enhance user experience, making it easier to manage and track time-sensitive tasks.

Thank you for considering this feature request.

Best regards,

Mauricio Roa

Hey @Renger , @frank … please, don’t forget to review this petition. Thanks!

Hi Mauricio,

Thanks for the suggestion. The requirement is in the product pipeline for reviewing and planning.


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