External users setting for Service portal

About service portal, it should be a convenience way to share a part of data to external users.

Now I can manually add the external users one by one . But I failed to find the way to import the users in bulk.
And can not figure out that how to set them as different groups.←solved, I found it.

It seems like there is email notification function, but I also missed it.

Maybe I missed the true place to setting these features?

You need to set up the workflow behind the data list in the data list setting.

Thanks for replying.
I tried to set the workflow, but failed to relation the users or the user group set in service portal as the receiver.

Is there any interaction between data list and service portal user setting, I mean whether we can control the list of service portal users by a data list. Because it maybe difficult to management hundreds of users if we need to set the email one by one when the portal is private.

Now I find the true way to set the notification.

The remaining one is how to import service portal users in bulk.Trying using external code.

@john55ww We are considering to add the bulk import portal users in the future release, which hopefully can be launched next month.

Thank you for your support!

@john55ww To quick follow about this topic, we’ve added the REST API to add or delete portal users. So you may consider to leverage those APIs to import users on your own, or create a data list to manage portal users, and configure a workflow to sync those users properties via API call. Please check our developer site to find those APIs. Thanks!