Suggestion for "Set Variables" Dialog Usability

Dear Yeeflow Team,

I would like to suggest an enhancement to the “Set Variables” dialog in Yeeflow. Currently, the field displaying the variable name is quite narrow, and it would be beneficial if the width of this column could either be increased or made resizable. Additionally, the ability to resize the entire window would help improve usability.

At present, scrolling through longer variable names is cumbersome, especially when trying to access variables lower in the list. The window often jumps back to the first item upon scrolling, which interrupts the workflow and makes it difficult to review and adjust variables.

Enhancing this part of the interface would greatly improve user experience, particularly when dealing with numerous or long variable names.

Thank you for considering this improvement.

Best regards,


@mauro.roa, thanks for the feedback. We updated the default width of the window to provide more space for the variables to be displayed. Please have a check if see if it’s getting better.

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