API about getting all user groups


I try to use the API “https://api.yeeflow.com/v1/groups” to get user groups but there are two problems:

  1. We have 27 user groups but only 10 returns. However, the “TotalCount” field in response says there are 27 records

    “Status”: 0,
    “Message”: null,
    “TotalCount”: 27

  2. How to use the keyword field to filter records. There is no change if I add “keywords”: ‘our_keyword’ in the JSON request body

“PageIndex”: 0,
“PageSize”: 1000,
“keywords”: ‘our_keyword’,

Thanks a lot

Best regards,

Hi @andy_wong
This is a Get request, please refer to my usage example: https://api.yeeflow.com/v1/groups?pageIndex=1&pageSize=1000&keywords=xxx

Hi Jason,

Thanks a lot

Best regards,